Our first zine, Remnants! Read more

CAMP! (Creative Alternative to Mainstream Publishing) is a publishing house that amplifies marginalised voices, creating a space that encompasses shared learning and joy, with a DIY ethos. Created by Anu Ambasna and Sana Barclay, in homage to radical queer and trans communities of colour who took up self-documenting to ensure that their stories were told, in their own voices. As a publishing house, CAMP! will produce printed material for and by audiences who we feel rarely get passed the mic and can speak for themselves.

We aim to produce everything in house - printing and binding the zines ourselves. The DIY ethos of CAMP! is incredibly important to us, as we’ll be taking the for us, by us approach in everything we create.

Writing and publishing have always been about more than art and creation: getting to choose whose stories are heard and how is a deeply political act and this ethos will be at the core of CAMP! As will looking inwards, as we think and encourage others to contemplate who we are within the context of our communities, the world and ourselves. Our small press will act as a physical manifestation of this area of thought as we create spaces for ourselves, making our own CAMP!

We’re always open for submissions, of any kind, via publishingcamp@gmail.com

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